Announcement of the 2023 KNAG meeting

Post: 2023-05-01 / Last Update: 2023-05-03

We plan to resume KNAG meetings after the COVID-19 pandemic ends.
These meetings will take place once every quarter, specifically on the third Friday of March, May, September, and November at KASI.
Kindly refer to the Google Sheet below to obtain the exact dates for this year.

The detailed schedule is as follows:
13:00 - 15:00 Speaker 1
15:30 - 17:30 Speaker 2
17:30 - 18:00 Student Session (if there are any participants)
18:00 onwards Dinner

Speakers will be given two hours, including presentation, Q&A, and discussion time. To ensure smooth progress, the speakers will be allowed to present in the language they are most comfortable with.

However, for students, we plan to allocate 20 minutes for English presentations and 10 minutes for Q&A to practice for presentations at international conferences.

Those who wish to speak at the meeting are requested to register through the Google Sheet provided below, and I humbly request all professors to encourage student participation.

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